Our TIOB Forum is a termly free-of-charge networking. It is the perfect opportunity to have professional conversations about all things boarding . This term, our speakers will explore whether boarding is a sustainable career path before leading a discussion with the forum.
With looming political pressures as well as a renewed focus on work-life balance post-pandemic, our expert speakers will discuss boarding as a career and how to stay versatile in an evolving job market.
Pastoral Care in Education – A Vocation
The vocation of pastoral care in education has a wide and diverse scope. What the term ‘houseparent’ means in one school could mean and be something very different in another. The roles and responsibilities within each role are bespoke to meet the needs of the young people within a school. How do we as passionate professionals leading and working within pastoral care in education know where we fit in a diverse range of schools not just in the UK, but around the world?
Settings vary in relation to whether house duties are the sole function of the role, an additional “bolt on” or casual responsibility or are embedded in the contract of teaching and living on campus. Some settings have clear progression routes, others have fewer opportunities, especially for colleagues who may be starting their career and looking for a life in boarding.
Core principles are an important aspect of supporting all practitioners to actively engage in professional learning with the purpose of developing individual and collective expertise. Frameworks exist to create consistency and building blocks to help individuals’ development and contribute to the experiences of the young people in their care.
Do you want to be part of a body of work that centres on providing a progressive and relevant framework for the vocation of pastoral care in education? Join us to share ideas and brainstorm a collective vision.
Helen Rose, MA NPQSL Assistant Principal – Boarding and Welfare Worthgate School, Canterbury
I have worked in education for twenty years in state, specialist and independent schools. I have a passion for pastoral care and thrive on the challenges faced when leading the heart of a school.
My career started teaching good old fashioned woodwork in a Kent coastal school and my journey has taken me all the way to a directorship at Academy Trust level. I love being on the frontline supporting staff and students to be the best they can be. I am a champion for boarding and the staff that drive invaluable experiences for young people. My vision centres on creating immersive and memorable experiences that enable people to explore the world and find their place within it and to be the leaders of their very own future.
Fact file:
I wear odd socks everyday to remind me of my time in specialist education and the lessons it taught me about caring for young people.I started my career shying away from pastoral care leadership and that I was an academic leader through and through – how wrong was I?
Yvonne Silk Jones, Director of Boarding, Rochester Independent College
Having worked in education; school, FE and HE, both state and private, I have always held leadership roles in pastoral and operational services. This has included information, advice and guidance, careers, volunteering and enterprise services, library, activities, Student Union and learner voice services, nursery, creche, financial support as well as welfare, counselling, learner support and accessibility services, admissions, accommodation, host family and boarding. Also UKVI, student support and international student support Being in the independent sector, I am honoured to work with young people and their families, who choose to join us. It is important to me that we deliver experiences that meet the needs and interests of our young people in boarding, that support them to stay safe, develop the skills they require to engage and participate in the creation of their future successes and enjoy this very special time and journey alongside them.
Networking event logistics:
15 mins: Welcome and member practice share (on theme)
30 mins: Networking in small groups
15mins: Feedback session and Close