Course Outline
In this session, Dr Helen Wright will explore why it is so important to focus on the culture of your boarding team, and how you can do this in practice. She will introduce a number of practical tools to support you in your task, and will challenge you to take action to strengthen this bedrock of your boarding school.
This course aims to develop your ability to lead a team, providing both personal and professional development.
Training topics will include:
Learning Outcomes
Speaker: Dr Helen Wright
Dr Helen Wright is a distinguished former BSA Head (and former GSA President and Vice-Chair of ISC) with over 20 years’ experience in boarding education. She is also a globally well connected and internationally recognised educationalist, and since leaving Headship in 2014, she has developed a portfolio of non-executive and consultancy roles in the UK and international education sector, including as a challenging executive coach and school leadership recruitment specialist.